
Adriana Cunha is Brazilian currently based in South Africa. She has vast experience across the globe as producer, performer, director, lighting designer and facilitator working in the field of movement using distinct methods of improvisation associated with therapeutic techniques . Her undergraduate was completed in Performing Arts at Universidade de Santa Catarina (UDESC- Brazil), she also carries a specialization in Laban Theory of Analysis of Movement concluded at Centre Nacional de la Danse (CND - France) and presently she is finishing her Masters in Applied Theatre at Wits University (South Africa). Her interests lie in cultural production, audience formation and arts in the public realm for social purposes.  She has been involved in these fields since 2003, producing three annual art festivals with more than 500 participants in each of them, amongst other events. Recently she has curated films and documentaries for two festivals of the Wits School of Arts (the Human Rights Festival and the Sex Actually Festival) as well as coordinating the Festival de Cinema e Documentário da África do Sul, an independent action of cultural exchange which will be launched in Brazil, London and Berlin in 2015.




Calum MacNaughton



Dr Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon is a postdoctoral researcher at the African Centre for Migration & Society at the University of Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg. He was born and grew up in Johannesburg and completed a BA Honours in Political Studies at Wits. He is the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship through which he completed his masters and doctorate in development studies at the University of Oxford. His doctoral research was an ethnographic study of HIV/AIDS treatment programmes to displaced communities in northern Uganda. Presently he is conducting ethnographic research in inner-city Johannesburg on themes of migration, religion, healing, health and housing. Matthew is a member of the Migration, Displacement and Health project as well as the Religion and Migration Initiative at the ACMS. Matthew is the project leader on the project “Routes and Rites to the City: Migration, Emplacement and Religious Diversity in Johannesburg” as part of the Max Planck Institute’s “superdiversity” project. This project aims to chart, through a collectively produced monograph, conference and exhibition, the intricate cartography of religion in Johannesburg, covering a significant diversity of practices and spaces. See http://www.mmg.mpg.de/.

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